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Weekend postponed in Hungary

29 July, 2010 - Zsolt Gyenge

Weekend postponed in Hungary

The shooting of the new film of director Áron Mátyássy - who with his first feature (Utolsó idők / Last Times) won the main prize of the Hungarian Film Week - due to the financial problems within the Hungarian Motion Picture Association is postponed to next year. According to producer Gergely Fodor the shooting was planned to start on 2nd of August, with all permissions and locations already obtained and booked.


Weekend will be a thriller of a Hungarian group visiting the mountains of Transylvania, Romania, and its script won on several script-writing applications, and had all the preproduction finished. The producer told that they had to stop the production because the partners conditioned their support to the MMKA funding. However Fodor now has a signed contract from MMKA that they will finance the film in 2011 (with 72,5 million HUF, approx. 255.000 euros), and this situation gives them the possibility to eventually find other partners too.


Production details:
Budapest Film Produkciós Kft.


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