Egy roma származású vidámpark-üzemeltető, egy furulyakészítő és egy fotográfus viszonya a hagyományokhoz és az élethez. A párhuzamos életutakkal az alkotók a legfontosabb értékekhez való viszonyunkat
1999-ben pár S8-as tekercs mulandó rétegébe költöztettük az akkorra már igen elhagyatott székesfehérvári Vidámpark utolsó évét. Piros szívünk kicsi bádogfala. Nem engedtük csak úgy elmenni. Úgy szerettük ...
A Körös-Maros Nemzeti Park hazánk hetedik nemzeti parkjaként 1997. január 16-án jött létre a Dél-Tiszántúl természeti és táji értékeinek megőrzése érdekében. A nemzeti park területe 800 000 hektár, ami ...
The first interactive railway park was established on the site of a former towing station built in 1913. Not only railway vehicles are on display here, but all kinds of tools and equipment used in railway ...
The domed Rezső square church is located in the middle of the square. In the large park surrounding it, there are football fields and playgrounds for the residents of the nearby district.
The transformation of the former hunting ground into an English-style park started in 1794. Of its 24 hectares, only 14 remain, but it is nevertheless still a sizable park. It has grassy areas, promenades, ...
112-hectare Népliget is the largest green area in Budapest, half of it serves as a park. It was established in 1867 and was transformed into an English-style park by the turn of the century. In the first ...
Tabán is nestled between Castle Hill, Gellért Hill and Nap Hill in Buda. It used to be the most densely populated area of Buda in the 19th century, but most of the buildings were demolished in the early ...
The Gallop track named after the world famous horse „Hungarian Wonder” (Kincsem) was built in 1925. Until 2000, it was the site of races. Its recontruction is nearing its end.
City Park had been the home of the popular Vurstli and the sophisticated Angol Park since the 19th century. Today’s Vidámpark was created in the 1950s by joining the two. Some of its facilities, like the ...
The enormous grassy meadow is located in District 2 Adyliget in the Buda Hills. Part of it is used by a golf course; it is crossed by the Kis-Ördögárok creek. The picturesque meadow is lined by forests ...
In the park between Déli railway station and the Buda Castle, there are sports facilities and playgrounds. Its promenades are lined by statues and historic monuments, for example, the relief of the Buda ...
It lies in the territory between Hűvösvölgyi road and Nagykovácsi road. The meadow was already a popular excursion destination in the 19th century, and is still a favorite spot of Budapestians. The meadow ...
The 97-hectare island located in the middle of the Danube has been a public park since the middle of the 19th century. The park has leafy walkways, ancient trees, colorful flowerbeds, a Japanese garden, ...
May 9th Park is located at the southern part of Shipyard Island. In the enourmous green area, there are forests, parks and large meadows. The area is flat, the park has promenades.
The first square in Budapst where the buildings were adjusted to the design of the square. The buildings, which were constructed between 1930 and 1938 based on a unified concept, form a pyramid-shaped ...
The park was created in the 1970s on Óhegy in Kőbánya on the site of a one-time brick factory pit. The largest green area in the district has huge grassy areas and concrete football fields.
Formerly called Kőbánya Youth Park, the area close to the largest park of District 10 is situated on the 148-meter-high Óhegy. The busts of Tchaikovsky and Berlioz stand in the park. This is the geometric ...