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More Grants

22 February, 2013 - filmhu

The Hungarian National Film Fund has awarded grants to one documentary and two feature films in its fourth round of funding.

The documentary Unlimited Minds (Határtalan elmék) received 15 m HUF (50,900 EUR) for production. The feature film To Shag Tímea Hajnal (Megdönteni Hajnal Tímeát) received 3 m HUF (10,170 EUR) for preproduction. The feature film Me, You, Them (Én, te, ők) received 2 m HUF (6,780 HUF) for developing the final draft of the script.

In addition, the Film Fund accepted final drafts of five scripts and issued calls for consultation. The films are:

Submarine on Balaton (Balatoni tengeralattjáró) by director/writer Orsi Nagypál and produce by Ferenc Pusztai for KMH Print Production Kft.
The Wednesday Child (A szerdai gyerek) by director/writer Lili Horváth and produced by Károly Fehér for Popfilm Kft.
The Lords of the House (A ház urai) written and produced by Balázs Lovas for Fade In Script Kft. 
ARGO 2 (Argo 2) written by Attila Árpa, Péter Huszár and Bence Trunkó and produced by Tamás Dér for ARGO 2 Production Kft.
With a Pure Heart (Tiszta szívvel) by director/writer Attila Till and produced by Judit Stalter for Laokoon Film Group.
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