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Eight Hungarian films on hold?

29 July, 2010 - Zsolt Gyenge
Eight Hungarian films on hold?

Due to the political changes and budgetary revisions the new government has blocked a substantial amount of the Hungarian Motian Picture Association’s budget. This means that several Hungarian films on production who have already been awarded financial support will not receive the funding on time. It might even happen, that the blocked amount finally will not be given to MMKA at all.


According to eight films are particularly affected by this situation:

Hules Endre: A halálba táncoltatott leány (The Maiden Danced to Death) – postproduction

Kincses Réka: Haza (Home) - postproduction

Rebecca Daly: Az álom másik oldala (The Other Side of the Dream) - shooting

Nagy András: Sweetsixteen - shooting

Gauder Áron: Egill - shooting

Rudolf Péter: Üvegtigris 3 - shooting

Török Ferenc: Isztambul - shooting

Bergendy Péter: A vizsga (The Exam) - shooting

Szabó István: Az ajtó (The Door) – preproduction


It also seems that not all 17 films which have been accorded a declaration of intent for funding in spring will receive the support of MMKA.