
Bence Trunkó


screenwriter, production manager, writer


2004 Argo
Argo 2
production manager
1996 Mese az elveszett bárókról
1997 Szerencsi, fel!


Credited with

Attila Árpa - production manager  
Judit Hernádi - actor  
Péter Huszár - screenwriter  
András Kern - sound  
Attila Ráczkevy-Eötvös - production designer  
Barbara Hegyi - sound  
Barbara Orosz - actor  
Barnabás Trunkó - writer  
Béla Szerednyey - actor  
Bence Miklauzic - director  
Claudia Liptai - actor  
Csaba Nemes - music  
Enikő Tóth - sound  
Ferenc Rofusz - director  
Feró Nagy - actor  
Gábor Horkai - director of photography  
Gábor Reviczky - actor  
Gabriella Parádi - costume designer  
Gyárfás Geréd - actor  
György Gát - writer  
György Honti - actor  
Gyula Szombathy - sound  
Ildikó Hámori - sound  
Imre Bajor - actor  
Imre Csuja - actor  
János Gálvölgyi - actor  
József Gregor - sound  
Kati Rák - actor  
Kristóf Steiner - actor  
Lajos Kovács - actor  
László Görög - actor  
László Jáksó - actor  
László Szacsvay - sound  
Laura Ruttkay - actor  
Lukács Bicskei - actor  
Péter Barbalics - producer  
Péter Bruno György - producer  
Péter Haumann - sound  
Péter Scherer - actor  
Réka Divinyi - writer  
Sándor Oszter - actor  
Tamás Dér - producer  
Vitt Christoph - director of photography  
Zoltán Kardos - screenwriter  
Zoltán Mucsi - actor  
Zoltán Váradi - editor  
Zsuzsanna Kun - director  


action comedy
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