
Benedek Fliegauf


director, screenwriter, music, costume designer, news-editor, actor, contributor


2012 Hungary 2011
2011 Just the Wind
2010 Womb
2008 Csillogás
2007 Milky Way
2004 Dealer
2003 A sor
2002 Hypnos
A BBTE története
2001 Van élet a halál előtt?
2000 Beszélő fejek
2010 Womb
2007 Milky Way
2004 Dealer
2003 A sor
2002 Hypnos
2000 Beszélő fejek
2004 Dealer
costume designer
2007 Milky Way
2008 Csillogás
2000 Beszélő fejek
Három év...


2004 Lecce European Cinema Festival: Special Prize for Direction
2004 Hungarian Filmweek: Best Director
2004 Mar del Plata International Film Festival : Best Director
2004 Wiesbaden GoEast Film Festival : Best Director
2004 Wiesbaden GoEast Film Festival : Best Director
2006 Batumi International Film Festival: Best Director
2008 Hungarian Filmweek: Special Prize
2008 ScripTeast: Krzysztof Kieslowski Award


Credited with

András Muhi - producer  
Zoltán Lovasi - director of photography  
Barbara Thurzó - actor  
Péter Szatmári - director of photography  
Mónika Mécs - producer  
Bálint Kenyeres - director  
Ernő Mesterházy - producer  
Judit Sós - production manager  
Judit Stalter - production manager  
Katalin Mészáros - director of photography  
Péter Politzer - editor  
Sára Czira - editor  
Tamás Beke - sound engineer  
Tamás Zányi - sound engineer  
Ádám Fillenz - director of photography  
Ádám Simon - assistant director  
Ágnes Kocsis - director  
Ágnes Mógor - editor  
András Dér - director  
András Jeles - director  
András Pires Muhi - news-editor  
András Salamon - director  
Anikó Szigeti - actor  
Attila Laczkovich - editor  
Balázs Féjja - editor  
Barbara Csonka - actor  
Béla Barsi - editor  
Dániel Morgován - actor  
Edina Balogh - actor  
Edit Lipcsei - actor  
Fanni Szoljer - actor  
Ferenc Török - director  
Gábor Fodor - director  
Gergely Pohárnok - director of photography  
György Pálfi - director  
Ilka Sós - actor  
István Lénárt - actor  
István Pellei - director of photography  
Iván Talpas - contributor  
Károly Szalai - editor  
Katalin Vörös - actor  
Klára Muhi - news-editor  
Kollektíva Raptor's - costume designer  
Lajos Szakács - actor  
László Dobronay - actor  
Lili Fodor - editor  
Linda Mester - production manager  
Márta Mészáros - director  
Masa Mészáros - contributor  
Mihály Szita - actor  
Miklós Jancsó - director  
Péter Forgács - director  
Péter Ilovszky - director of photography  
Péter Nádas - actor  
Rita Braun - actor  
Róbert Romet - director of photography  
Simon Szabó - director  
Tamás Csányi - director of photography  
Zoltán Tamási - music  
Zsolt Mihalik - actor  
Zsolt Végh - contributor  


drama educational
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