
Katalin Mészáros


director of photography, director, dramaturg, editor, screenwriter, actor


director of photography
2006 Káin-Ábel
Semleges hely
2004 Mi volt ez az egész?
2006 Káin-Ábel
2004 Hatemelet tiszta üveg
1994 Ábel az országban
1989 Egy államférfi nehézségei
2007 Milky Way
1987 S.O.S. szobafogság
2004 Hatemelet tiszta üveg
2003 Forest




Credited with

András Muhi - producer  
Benedek Fliegauf - director  
Ádám Fillenz - director of photography  
Ádám Lux - actor  
Annamária Láng - actor  
Áron Tamási - writer  
Attila Tyll - actor  
Bálint Kenyeres - actor  
Barbara Csonka - actor  
Barbara Thurzó - actor  
Csilla Póka - actor  
Edit Lipcsei - actor  
Emil Győry - actor  
Emma Bessenyei - actor  
Ernő Fekete - actor  
Ernő Mesterházy - producer  
Erzsi Máthé - actor  
Fanni Szoljer - actor  
Ferenc Paláncz - actor  
Gábor Balázs - sound engineer  
Gábor Berkes - music  
Gábor Reviczky - actor  
Gabriella Pusztai - actor  
Gergely Pohárnok - director of photography  
Géza Schramek - actor  
György Palásthy - director  
Henrietta Sós - editor  
Ildikó Enyedi - director  
Ilka Sós - actor  
Ilona Kállay - actor  
Iván Kamarás - actor  
Józsa Hacser - actor  
József Békés - dramaturg  
József Szarvas - actor  
Judit Miklósy - actor  
Judit Sós - dramaturg  
Judit Stalter - production manager  
Katalin Vörös - actor  
Kollektíva Raptor's - costume designer  
László Babiczky - director  
László Szacsvay - actor  
Levente Ilyés - actor  
Lili Fodor - editor  
Lóránt Lukács - director of photography  
Marcell Bíró - music  
Marci Murányi - actor  
Máté Darvas - director of photography  
Máté Herbai - director of photography  
Mihály Sükösd - writer  
Mónika Mécs - producer  
Pál Mácsai - actor  
Péter Berkes - writer  
Péter Blaskó - actor  
Péter Győri - actor  
Rita Braun - actor  
Roland Rába - actor  
Sándor Mihályfy - director  
Sándor Sörös - actor  
Sára Czira - editor  
Sarolta Zöldhegyi - actor  
Tamás Beke - sound engineer  
Tamás Fodor - actor  
Tamás Zányi - sound engineer  
Vilmos Kun - actor  
Zoltán Kovács - editor  
Zoltán Lovasi - director of photography  
Zoltán Sárközy - actor  
Zsófia Szilágyi - screenwriter  


drama experimental comedy
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