
Linda Boguslaw




1990 Potyautasok
1985 Megfelelő ember kényes feladatra
1984 Szirmok, virágok, koszorúk
1983 Elveszett illúziók
Eszkimó asszony fázik




Credited with

Jancsó Miklós ifj. - director of photography  
Adamíra Jiří - actor  
Ági Margitai - actor  
Andor Lukáts - actor  
András Matkócsik - director of photography  
Anna Fehér - actor  
Dorottya Udvaros - actor  
East Robert - actor  
Elemér Ragályi - director of photography  
Favali Laura - actor  
Ferenc Bencze - actor  
Ferenc Bessenyei - actor  
Ferenc Zenthe - actor  
Gábor Bachmann - production designer  
Gábor Máté - actor  
Géza Bereményi - screenwriter  
György Cserhalmi - actor  
György Spiró - screenwriter  
Gyula Gazdag - screenwriter  
Ilona Béres - actor  
István Kardos - screenwriter  
János Kovácsi - director  
János Xantus - director  
Juli Básti - actor  
Júlia Sívó - editor  
Katalin Kabdebo - editor  
Kati Lázár - actor  
Lajos Őze - actor  
László Lugossy - screenwriter  
László Sinkó - actor  
Malloney Luke - actor  
Margit Galamb - editor  
Mari Kiss - actor  
Marietta Méhes - actor  
Mátyás Várkonyi - music  
Miklós Györffy - screenwriter  
Nowicki Jan - actor  
Péter Malcsiner - actor  
Róbert Koltai - actor  
Saminen Esko - actor  
Sándor Sőth - director  
Sobocinski Pjotr - director of photography  
Szapolowska Grazyna - actor  
Tessler Karl - actor  
Tyszkiewicz Beata - actor  
Vakkuri Juha - screenwriter  


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