
György Kovács




1998 Gyógyszer(gy)árak titkai
1991 Az utolsó nyáron
1984 Elcserélt szerelem
1981 Szívzűr
1979 Minden szerdán
1977 Veri az ördög a feleségét
Ők ketten
1976 Kilenc hónap
1975 Örökbefogadás


Credited with

Éva Kármentő - editor  
János Kende - director of photography  
Judit Meszléry - actor  
Márta Mészáros - director  
Éva Igó - actor  
Ferenc András - director  
Géza Bereményi - screenwriter  
Gyula Hernádi - screenwriter  
József Balázs - writer  
Kati Sir - actor  
Lajos Koltai - director of photography  
Lajos Szabó - actor  
Lili Monori - actor  
Menzel Jirí - actor  
Nowicki Jan - actor  
Tibor Szilágyi - actor  
Ádám Szirtes - actor  
Ági Margitai - actor  
Ákos Kertész - screenwriter  
Árpád Perlaky - actor  
Béla Szobolits - director  
Bernadett Sára - actor  
Constantin Anatol - actor  
Dénes Csengey - screenwriter  
Dorottya Udvaros - actor  
Enikő Tóth - actor  
Erzsi Pásztor - actor  
Éva Janisch - actor  
Éva Spányik - actor  
Ferenc Bencze - actor  
Ferenc Grunwalsky - screenwriter  
Ferenc Pap - director of photography  
Finci Ichak - actor  
Gábor Máté - actor  
Géza Balkay - actor  
Géza Böszörményi - director  
Géza Tordy - actor  
Gyöngyvér Vígh - actor  
György Ágoston - dramaturg  
György Bánffy - actor  
György Cserhalmi - actor  
Gyula Marosi - screenwriter  
Gyula Szersén - actor  
Hajnal Sellő - editor  
Hilda Gobbi - actor  
Ildikó Kóródi - screenwriter  
Ildikó Kórody - screenwriter  
Ildikó Pádua - actor  
Ildikó Pécsi - actor  
Ilka Petur - actor  
Imre Sarlai - actor  
István Avar - actor  
István Kállay - screenwriter  
István Sugár - actor  
János Bán - actor  
János Horkai - actor  
József Láng - actor  
Judit Halász - actor  
Judit Pogány - actor  
Juli Básti - actor  
Kardos G. György - screenwriter  
Katalin Berek - actor  
Kati Berek - actor  
László Dózsa - actor  
László Szabó - actor  
László Szalay - director of photography  
Lívia Gyarmathy - director  
Mari Simon - actor  
Mária Dudás - actor  
Mária Fésüs - actor  
Marianna Moór - actor  
Mihály Morell - editor  
Miklós Markovich - actor  
Nóra Görbe - actor  
Pathó István ifj. - actor  
Péter Fried - actor  
Péter Jankura - director of photography  
Péter Tunyogi - actor  
Ras Eva - actor  
Róbert Alföldi - actor  
Róbert Koltai - actor  
Róbert Rátonyi - actor  
Rosić Djoko - actor  
Sándor Szalkai - director  
Surányi Z. András - director of photography  
Tamás Jordán - actor  
Teréz Bod - actor  
Virág Csapó - actor  
Vlady Marina - actor  
zenekar Bikini - music  
Zoltán Pálfi - actor  
Zoltán Szerémi - actor  
Zsuzsa Czinkóczi - actor  


drama satire
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