
Péter Dóczy


actor, director, screenwriter


2005 Morfium
1999 El Nino - A Kisded
1994 Kis Romulusz
1993 Priváthorvát és Wolframbarát
Arthur Miller: Az ügynök halála
2007 Pilinszky János - Gyerekek és katonák
2006 Gyerekek és katonák
2007 Pilinszky János - Gyerekek és katonák




Credited with

István Jelenczki - director  
Marianna Szalay - actor  
Pál Erdőss - director  
Sándor Kardos - director of photography  
Tibor Klöpfler - director of photography  
Tibor Szilágyi - actor  
Zsolt Anger - actor  
Zsolt László - actor  
Ági Gubík - actor  
Ágnes Szigeti - music  
András Dér - director  
András Nagy - actor  
Andrea Fullajtár - actor  
Anna Györgyi - actor  
Attila Kaszás - actor  
Bianka Terech - actor  
Dorka Gryllus - actor  
Edit Frajt - actor  
Erika Sajgál - actor  
Ferenc András - director  
Ferenc Bács - actor  
Ferenc Pap - director of photography  
Ferenc Szohár - producer  
Frigyes Gödrös - director  
Gábor Garami - production manager  
Gábor Máté - actor  
Gábor Nagy - actor  
Gábor Szender - director of photography  
Géza Kaszás - actor  
Győző Szabó - actor  
Hella Németh - actor  
Horváth Putyi Dr. - actor  
Ildikó Tóth - actor  
István Kardos - screenwriter  
János Vecsernyés - director of photography  
Károly Gesztesi - actor  
Katalin Gödrös - actor  
Katalin Kabdebó - editor  
Kornél Pusztaszeri - actor  
Kovács Anna Kis - costume designer  
Linda Fekete - actor  
Marcell Iványi - director of photography  
Mária Barta - actor  
Mihály Ozsgyáni - actor  
Mihály Ráday - actor  
Miklós Tarján - writer  
Ottó Oláh - sound engineer  
Péter Bacsó - director  
Péter Dobai - screenwriter  
Petőcz András P. - actor  
Róbert Koltai - actor  
Tamás Andor - director of photography  
Tamás Mátrai - actor  
Zsolt Koroknai - director of photography  
Zsolt Pozsgai - screenwriter  


drama theatre play comedy
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