
Balázs Czukor




Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem 2003. 2003 - Bárka Színház 2004 - Örkény István Színház


2015 Az éjszakám a nappalod
2010 Közel
Czukor show
Az úr elköszön
2009 1
2008 Egymás mellett
2007 Tanúvallomás
Könyveskép - Nyolclábú tükör
2006 Öreg fa
Tarka képzelet - A virágünnep vége - Gulácsy álmai
La belle Epoque
2005 A fény ösvényei
2004 Undorgrund




Credited with

Widamon Máté Tóth - director of photography  
Kata Wéber - actor  
Lajos Kovács - actor  
Mari Nagy - actor  
Máté Haumann - actor  
Péter Politzer - editor  
Róbert Juhász - sound engineer  
Tibor Gáspár - actor  
Zsolt Anger - actor  
Ábris Gosztola - director of photography  
Ádám Császi - screenwriter  
Adél Kováts - actor  
Ágnes Havas - production manager  
Ágnes Kovalik - actor  
Ákos Zságer-Varga - music  
András Gábor Szőke - director of photography  
András György Dési - director  
András Jeles - actor  
András Muhi - producer  
András Nagy - director of photography  
Anna Kis - editor  
Annamária Cseh - actor  
Annamária Radnai - screenwriter  
Antal Czapkó - actor  
Attila Árpa - actor  
Attila Csáky - producer  
Attila Mispál - screenwriter  
Attila Soós - actor  
Bálint Szimler - screenwriter  
Béla Gados - actor  
Blanka Szilasi - actor  
Brigitta Peszleg - editor  
Csaba Szekeres - screenwriter  
Csaba Tóth - editor  
Csongor Fazekas - boom operator  
Diana Groó - director  
Dobos-Nagy - director  
Emese Babette Solti - screenwriter  
Emese Vasvári - actor  
Enikő Szilágyi - actor  
Erika Gadus - costume designer  
Ernő Fekete - actor  
Eszter Csepeli - director of photography  
Eszter Gyárfás - production manager  
Ferenc Király - editor  
Ferenc Lengyel - actor  
Ferenc Pusztai - producer  
Fruzsina Lányi - production designer  
Gábor Balázs - sound engineer  
Gábor Móray - director  
Gábor Rajna - co-producer  
Gábor Tausz - director of photography  
Gábor Váradi - producer  
Gergő Kocsis - actor  
Gyöngyvér Bognár - actor  
György Cserhalmi - actor  
Györgyi Kovács - actor  
Györgyi Szakács - costume designer  
Imre Csuja - actor  
Imre Kertész - writer  
Inez Mátis - production manager  
István Iglódi - actor  
János Háy - screenwriter  
János Vecsernyés - screenwriter  
Jeles László Nemes - director  
József Szarvas - actor  
József Tóth - actor  
Judit Góczán - screenwriter  
Judit Varga - production designer  
Júlia Nagy - assistant director  
Kata Péter - actor  
Katalin Takács - actor  
Kristóf Horváth - actor  
Krisztina Berzsenyi - costume designer  
Krisztina Bíró - actor  
Krisztina Ferenczi - actor  
Lajos Tamás - director of photography  
László Darvasi - writer  
László Hollósi - sound engineer  
László Kántor - producer  
László Rajk - production designer  
László Reich - director of photography  
László Sinkó - actor  
Lem Stanislaw - writer  
Lili Bordán - actor  
Lili Monori - actor  
Mari Balogh - music  
Mari Törőcsik - actor  
Mária Sós - director  
Marina Gera - actor  
Mátyás Erdély - director of photography  
Mihály Szabados - actor  
Miklós Bosnyák - producer  
Milán Vajda - actor  
Mónika Esztán - production designer  
Orsi Tóth - actor  
Pál Mácsai - actor  
Pál Závada - dramaturg  
Pater Sparrow - director  
Péter Andorai - actor  
Péter Ari - editor  
Péter Baráth - producer  
Péter Gothár - director  
Péter Haumann - actor  
Péter Miskolczi - producer  
Péter Pollágh - screenwriter  
Péter Scherer - actor  
Petra Szűcs - costume designer  
Richárd Lenkey - editor  
Róbert Maly - director of photography  
Roland Rába - actor  
Sándor Csányi - actor  
Sándor Csukás - director of photography  
Sándor Kardos - director of photography  
Sándor Tar - screenwriter  
Székely B. Miklós - actor  
Szilvia Csonka - actor  
Szonja Szabó - screenwriter  
Tamás Dobos - director of photography  
Tamás Dömötör - director  
Tamás Madár - actor  
Tamás Zányi - sound engineer  
Tibor Bernscherer - actor  
Tímea Várkonyi - director  
Tünde Murányi - actor  
Vera Janisch - director  
Vica Kerekes - actor  
Viktória Vay - actor  
Wanda Kiss - editor  
Zoltán Balázs - actor  
Zoltán Balla - music  
Zoltán Kamondi - producer  
Zoltán Mucsi - actor  
Zoltán Perovics - production designer  
Zoltán Rátóti - actor  
Zoltán Vida - editor  
Zsófia Szamosi - actor  


mockumentary drama black comedy film etude experimental crime thriller
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