
József Szarvas


actor, special guest


1983-1987 között végezte el a Színház- és Filmművészeti Főiskolát. 1987-től 1997-ig a Vígszínház tagja volt. 1997-ben a Kaposvári Csiky Gergely Színházhoz szerződött. 2001-ben szabadúszó. 2002-től a Nemzeti Színház társulatának tagja. Díjak: Az országos színházi találkozó legjobb férfialakítás díja - 1991, 1998 Színikritikusok díja - 1991 Jászai Mari-díj - 1992 Hegedűs Gyula-emlékgyűrű - 1992 Ajtay Andor-emlékdíj - 1994 Filmkritikusok díja a Részleg című filmért - 1995 Monte-carlói Ezüst Nimfa-díj - 1998 Antenna Hungária legjobb férfi alakítás díja - 2001





Credited with

Gábor Reviczky - actor  
Sándor Gáspár - actor  
András Szőke - actor  
Péter Rudolf - actor  
Zoltán Mucsi - actor  
Péter Tímár - director  
Gábor Halász - director of photography  
Mari Nagy - actor  
Péter Scherer - actor  
Sándor Badár - actor  
Ferenc Kállai - actor  
Imre Csuja - actor  
Mihály Szabados - actor  
András Kern - actor  
András Lovasi - actor  
Anna Kubik - actor  
Attila Kaszás - actor  
Enikő Börcsök - actor  
Ferenc Grunwalsky - director  
Gábor Kálomista - producer  
Gábor Kovács - producer  
György Molnár - director  
Judit Pogány - actor  
Juli Básti - actor  
Karina Kecskés - actor  
Károly Eperjes - actor  
László Sinkó - actor  
László Szacsvay - actor  
Mari Csomós - actor  
Mari Miklós - editor  
Mari Törőcsik - actor  
Miklós Benedek - actor  
Ottó Oláh - sound engineer  
Péter Haumann - actor  
Piroska Molnár - actor  
Rita Dévényi - set designer  
Sándor Kardos - director of photography  
Székely B. Miklós - actor  
Tamás Végvári - actor  
Zsolt Tóth - director of photography  
Adél Kováts - actor  
Ági Pataki - producer  
Ági Szirtes - actor  
Ágnes Csere - actor  
Andor Lukáts - actor  
András Stohl - actor  
Andrea Kormos - production manager  
Andrea Söptei - actor  
Anna Györgyi - actor  
Annamária Prókay - actor  
Csaba Pindroch - actor  
Dénes Ujlaki - actor  
Edit Soós - actor  
Eini Sonia El - director  
Emese Vasvári - actor  
és a Borz Kispál - music  
Ferenc Szohár - producer  
Gábor Máté - actor  
Gábor Olivér Búss - writer  
Gábor Zelei - actor  
Gerda Pikali - actor  
Gergő Kaszás - actor  
György Czutor - production manager  
György Dörner - actor  
György Gazsó - actor  
Györgyi Kari - actor  
Győző Szabó - actor  
Gyula Bodrogi - actor  
Gyula Hernádi - screenwriter  
Hilda Hársing - dramaturg  
Imre Sinkovits - actor  
Irén Bordán - actor  
Iván Kapitány - director of photography  
János Bán - actor  
János Derzsi - actor  
József Madaras - actor  
Judit Hernádi - actor  
Judit Schell - actor  
Judit Szekulesz - costume designer  
Károly Gesztesi - actor  
Kati Lázár - actor  
Lajos Kovács - actor  
Laura Ruttkay - actor  
Lóránt Jávor - set designer  
Marianna Szalay - actor  
Miklós Jancsó - director  
Nóra Parti - actor  
Norbert Növényi - actor  
Pál Sándor - director  
Patrícia Kovács - actor  
Péter Gothár - director  
Péter Klimó - costume designer  
Péter Szatmári - director of photography  
Tamás Buvári - director  
Tamás Jordán - actor  
Tamás Sas - director of photography  
Tibor Szilágyi - actor  
Tünde Murányi - actor  
Vanda Kovács - actor  
Wanda Kiss - editor  
Zoltán Koppány - actor  
Ábris Gosztola - director of photography  
Ádám Bodor - writer  
Ádám Schnell - actor  
Adrienn Herczeg - actor  
Ági Margitai - actor  
Ágnes Bánfalvy - actor  
Ágnes Menyhárt - set designer  
Ágnes Pataki - producer  
Ákos Németh - writer  
Alfréd Nagy - actor  
Anasztázia Gál - co-creator  
András Fésős - director  
András Gyürki - set designer  
András Gyürky - set designer  
András Hajós - actor  
András Kozák - actor  
András Kroó - screenwriter  
András Lányi - screenwriter  
András Muhi - producer  
András Nagy - screenwriter  
András Ozorai - production manager  
András Péterffy - co-creator  
András Schlanger - actor  
András Sváby - actor  
Andrea Fullajtár - actor  
Andrea Szulák - actor  
Angéla Stefanovics - actor  
Anikó Für - actor  
Anikó Kiss - actor  
Anna Balogh - actor  
Anna Udvardy - production manager  
Antal Cserna - actor  
Antal Szerb - writer  
Armand Kautzky - actor  
Áron Őze - actor  
Áron Tamási - writer  
Árpád Besenczi - actor  
Attila Dolmány - actor  
Attila Egyed - actor  
Attila Gallus - actor  
Attila Király - actor  
Balázs Czukor - actor  
Balázs Galkó - actor  
Balázs Mihályfi - actor  
Balázs Sára - director of photography  
Bálint Hegedűs - writer  
Bánk Sáry - music  
Barna Kabay - producer  
Bass Monster Sub - music  
Béla Fesztbaum - actor  
Béla Kovács - editor  
Béla Szerednyey - actor  
Bence Gyöngyössy - director  
Bertalan Bagó - actor  
Bindea Alexandru - actor  
Bird Abreu Louranda - actor  
Boglárka Varga - actor  
Chopin Frédéric - music  
Csaba Farkas - director of photography  
Csilla Balogh - actor  
Csilla Póka - actor  
Csongor Fazekas - asistant sound engineer  
Dani Jávor - actor  
Dezső Garas - actor  
Dezső Zsigmond - screenwriter  
Didaszkalu Katerina - actor  
Dimvale Misu - actor  
Dóra Létay - actor  
Dorina Martinovics - actor  
Dorina Martinovits - actor  
Dorottya Udvaros - actor  
Dragan Vasile Vivi - director of photography  
Elemér Ragályi - director  
Elemér Szűcs - actor  
Emil Keres - actor  
Emma Bessenyei - actor  
Enikő Nagy - actor  
Erika Szabó - actor  
Erzsébet Bereczky - dramaturg  
Erzsi Pásztor - actor  
Eszter Majoros - editor  
Éva Auksz - actor  
Éva Kerekes - actor  
Éva Magyar - actor  
Éva Olsavszky - actor  
Éva Thúróczy - actor  
Éva Vándor - actor  
Ferenc Demjén - actor  
Ferenc Jeli - screenwriter  
Ferenc Lilienberg - actor  
Ferenc Papp - director of photography  
Ferenc Zádori - director of photography  
Finţi Andrei - actor  
Francisco Gózon - director of photography  
Frigyes Hollósi - actor  
Gábor Bányay - sound engineer  
Gábor Berkes - music  
Gábor Dettre - director  
Gábor Harasztosi - production manager  
Gábor Hevér - actor  
Gábor Karalyos - actor  
Gábor Kocsó - actor  
Gábor Nógrádi - screenwriter  
Gábor Sarudi - production manager  
Gábor Somlai - actor  
Gábor Szabó - director of photography  
Gábor Szőke - producer  
Gábor Varga - producer  
Gabriella Jakupcsek - actor  
Gabriella Parádi - costume designer  
Gabriella Prekop - screenwriter  
Gabriella Pusztai - actor  
Gáspár Galgóczi - actor  
Gergely Fonyó - director  
Gergely Litkai - screenwriter  
Gergő Angyal - production manager  
Géza Balkay - actor  
Géza Balogh - screenwriter  
Géza Bereményi - screenwriter  
Géza Schramek - actor  
Géza Tordy - actor  
Géza Tóth - actor  
Géza Vaskó - actor  
Ghiuţă Monica - actor  
Gitta Rajnai - editor  
György Szepesi - actor  
Györgyi Gecsényi - dramaturg  
Györgyi Kovács - actor  
Gyula Marosi - screenwriter  
Hajnal Sellő - editor  
Hegedűs D. Géza - actor  
Hermina Fátyol - actor  
Hollósi G. Zsuzsanna - producer  
Ibolya Csonka - actor  
Ildikó Keresztes - actor  
Ilona Béres - actor  
Imre Mihályfi - director  
István Bagin - screenwriter  
István Demeter - producer  
István Gyuricza - actor  
István Gyürki - actor  
István Hajdu - actor  
István Hirtling - actor  
István Iglódi - director  
István Kardos - producer  
István Páger - special guest  
István Szaladják - director of photography  
István Szilágyi - actor  
István Tóth - actor  
István Verebes - actor  
Iván Dengyel - actor  
Iván Kamarás - actor  
Jácint Juhász - actor  
János Breckl - costume designer  
János Horváth - actor  
János Rózsa - producer  
János Vecsernyés - director of photography  
Jenő Kiss - actor  
József Czintos - actor  
József Dörner - screenwriter  
József Horváth - actor  
József Kerekes - actor  
József Pacskovszky - screenwriter  
József Tóth - actor  
Judit Csernai - production manager  
Judit Csikesz - screenwriter  
Judit Sajber - set designer  
Judit Tóth - actor  
Júlia Müller - actor  
Júlia Nyakó - actor  
Kálmán Kázsmér - director  
Kamilla Fátyol - actor  
Kardos G. György - screenwriter  
Károly Kazal - special guest  
Károly Nemcsák - actor  
Károly Safranek - actor  
Károly Szalai - editor  
Károly Veér - screenwriter  
Kata Bartsch - actor  
Kata Wéber - actor  
Katalin Benedek - dramaturg  
Katalin Kabdebo - editor  
Katalin Kopeczny - actor  
Katalin Mészáros - dramaturg  
Katalin Takács - actor  
Katalin Tornyos - actor  
Klára Varga - actor  
Kornél Mundruczó - actor  
Kristóf Horváth - actor  
Kriszta Szalay - actor  
Krisztián Grecsó - screenwriter  
Krisztián Kovács - actor  
Lajos Dobák - actor  
Lajos Kránitz - actor  
László Darvasi - writer  
László Gálffi - actor  
László Gojdár - producer  
László Görög - actor  
László Hajdu - actor  
László Széles - actor  
László Vajda - actor  
László Vitézy - director  
Lehel Kovács - actor  
Levente Ilyés - actor  
LG Salome - music  
Lia Pokorny - actor  
Linda Verebes - actor  
Loránd Lohinszky - actor  
Lóránt Lukács - director of photography  
Lujza Orosz - actor  
Mara Bozóky - set designer  
Marcel Marcu - actor  
Margit Földes - actor  
Margit Földessy - actor  
Mari Kiss - actor  
Mária Varga - actor  
Marika Oszvald - actor  
Marina Gera - actor  
Márta Gesztesi - actor  
Márta Jánoskúti - costume designer  
Márton Miklauzic - director of photography  
Máté Haumann - actor  
Miklós Domahidy - writer  
Miklós Galla - actor  
Milán Füst - writer  
Mór Jókai - writer  
Natália Nagy - actor  
Nóra Benkő - actor  
Nóra Tábori - actor  
Olivér Gábor Buss - screenwriter  
Péter Ákos - editor  
Péter Andorai - actor  
Péter Barbalics - producer  
Péter Czabarka - director of photography  
Péter Dömötör - director of photography  
Péter Győri - actor  
Péter Jankura - director of photography  
Péter Nagy - actor  
Péter Salgó - actor  
Péter Sülyi - screenwriter  
Péter Vida - actor  
Petra Haumann - actor  
Petra Páder - actor  
Réka Farkasházi - actor  
Rita Jónás - actor  
Róbert Alföldi - actor  
Róbert Juhász - sound  
Róbert Koltai - actor  
Róbert Rostás - actor  
Rodrigo Crespo - actor  
Roland Rába - actor  
Roland Selmeczi - actor  
Sándor Csányi - actor  
Sándor Csukás - director of photography  
Sándor Fábry - actor  
Sándor Kőmíves - actor  
Sándor Kurucz - co-creator  
Sándor Mihályfy - director  
Sándor Román - dance  
Sándor Sára - writer  
Sándor Simó - producer  
Sándor Tar - screenwriter  
Sándor Terhes - actor  
Steve Hajdú - actor  
Szabó Gábor Mády - actor  
Szabolcs Hajdu - actor  
Szabolcs Thúróczy - actor  
Szonja Szabó - screenwriter  
Tamás Banovich - set designer  
Tamás Fodor - actor  
Tamás Kisbán - screenwriter  
Tamás Madár - actor  
Tamás Tamási - set designer  
Teodosiu Valentin - actor  
Teréz Rudolf - actor  
Teréz Vass - actor  
Teri Losonci - editor  
Teri Tordai - actor  
Thege Klára Konkoly - costume designer  
Tian Yang Zhan - special guest  
Tibor Bernscherer - actor  
Tibor Bitskey - actor  
Tibor Gáspár - actor  
Tibor Gazdag - actor  
Tibor Gyurkovics - actor  
Tibor Puszt - director  
Tímea Meskó - actor  
Viktor Baradlay - actor  
Viktória Szávai - actor  
Vilmos Vajdai - actor  
Virág Csapó - actor  
Virág Marjai - actor  
Yonderboi - music  
zenekar Republic - music  
Zoltán Bereczky - actor  
Zoltán Bezerédy - actor  
Zoltán Fülöp - actor  
Zoltán Karácsonyi - actor  
Zoltán Papp - actor  
Zoltán Seress - actor  
Zoltán Ternyák - actor  
Zoltán Varga - actor  
Zsigmond Móricz - writer  
Zsolt Anger - actor  
Zsolt László - actor  
Zsolt Pozsgay - screenwriter  
Zsuzsa Csákány - editor  
Zsuzsa Gordon - actor  
Zsuzsa Pártényi - costume designer  
Zsuzsa Stenger - costume designer  
Zsuzsa Tóth - screenwriter  


adaptation drama children experimental satire theatre play comedy
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