
Lajos Kovács




2012 The Door
2009 Bunkerember
2008 Kalandorok
Született lúzer
2007 Könyveskép - Nyolclábú tükör
2006 Budakeszi srácok
2005 Csudafilm
A fény ösvényei
2004 Before Dawn
2003 Bolondok éneke
2002 Szerelem utolsó vérig
2001 Aranyváros
Felhő a Gangesz felett
2000 Ennyiből ennyi (Erdély, 1990)
Bizarr románc (Tanyasi dekameron)
1999 Sitiprinc
A hipochonder
1998 Derengő
Egy tél az Isten háta mögött
1997 Witman fiúk
1996 Szelídek
Érzékek iskolája
Szeressük egymást gyerekek!
1993 Woyzeck
A turné
1992 A nagy postarablás
1990 Céllövölde
1988 Soha, sehol, senkinek
1985 Lélegzetvisszafojtva
1983 Mária-nap


2003 Hungarian Filmweek: Best Supporting Actor - András (Lajos Kovács)
2003 Hungarian Filmweek: Best Supporting Actor - Garincsa (Lajos Kovács)


Credited with

Károly Eperjes - actor  
András Muhi - producer  
Péter Andorai - actor  
Árpád Sopsits - director  
Imre Csuja - actor  
Mari Nagy - actor  
Péter Politzer - editor  
Sándor Badár - actor  
Zoltán Mucsi - actor  
Ádám Rajhona - actor  
András Szeredás - screenwriter  
Anna Kornis - editor  
Dénes Ujlaki - actor  
Enikő Börcsök - actor  
Ferenc Pap - director of photography  
Gábor Medvigy - director of photography  
Gábor Reviczky - actor  
György Cserhalmi - actor  
János Szász - director  
Lili Monori - actor  
Nimród Antal - actor  
Péter Haumann - actor  
Péter Scherer - actor  
Sándor Gáspár - actor  
Székely B. Miklós - actor  
Teri Losonci - editor  
Tibor Máthé - director of photography  
András Kern - actor  
András Szőke - actor  
Andrea Kormos - production manager  
Antal Cserna - actor  
Attila Mispál - director  
Balázs Czukor - actor  
Balázs Galkó - actor  
Balázs Hujber - production designer  
Balázs Lovas - screenwriter  
Bálint Péntek - actor  
Bence Mátyási - actor  
Connelly Peter - actor  
Csaba Pindroch - actor  
Dezső Zsigmond - director  
Dorka Gryllus - actor  
Dorottya Udvaros - actor  
Edit Soós - actor  
Elemér Ragályi - director of photography  
Enikő Eszenyi - actor  
Éva Igó - actor  
Ferenc Elek - actor  
Feró Nagy - actor  
Gábor Szabó - director of photography  
Gabriella Koncz - editor  
Gabriella Parádi - costume designer  
Gergely Fodor - producer  
Géza Balogh - director  
Géza Bereményi - screenwriter  
György Durst - producer  
Győző Szabó - actor  
Gyula Pados - director of photography  
Hédi Temessy - actor  
Ildikó Tóth - actor  
István Király - editor  
János Bán - actor  
János Breckl - costume designer  
Jenő Hábermann - producer  
József Szarvas - actor  
Judit Czakó - editor  
Judit Pogány - actor  
Károly Veér - set designer  
Kati Lázár - actor  
László Görög - actor  
László Kántor - producer  
Lukács Bicskei - actor  
Mari Csomós - actor  
Mari Törőcsik - actor  
Mária Rigó - editor  
Mónika Esztán - production designer  
Morgenstern Maia - actor  
Péter Radó - actor  
Péter Rudolf - actor  
Péter Szatmári - director of photography  
Piroska Molnár - actor  
Sándor Csányi - actor  
Sándor Kardos - director of photography  
Sándor Oszter - actor  
Sándor Sőth - director  
Tibor Klöpfler - director of photography  
Vanda Kovács - actor  
Zoltán Lengyel - actor  
Zoltán Rajkai - actor  
Zoltán Ternyák - actor  
Zsolt László - actor  
Zsolt Nagy - actor  
Zsombor Dyga - director  
Abbey Tatiana - actor  
Ábris Gosztola - director of photography  
Ádám Nokta - actor  
After-Crying - music  
Ági Pataki - producer  
Ági Szirtes - actor  
Ágnes Bánfalvy - actor  
Ágnes Jodál - costume designer  
Ágnes Légrády - costume designer  
Ágnes Ostoros - editor  
Ákos Gulyás - director of photography  
Ákos Szelevényi - music  
Ákos Zságer-Varga - music  
Alfonz Krizsik - actor  
Alpár Fogarassi - actor  
Amzulescu Radu - actor  
András Ambrus - actor  
András Fekete - actor  
András Kozák - actor  
András Nagy - director of photography  
András Ozorai - production manager  
András Sólyom - screenwriter  
Andrea Bozó - actor  
Andrea Fullajtár - actor  
Andrea Söptei - actor  
Andrea Szakács - editor  
Andrea Vészits - screenwriter  
Anikó Kiss - actor  
Anikó Lisztes - actor  
Anikó Németh - costume designer  
Anikó Sáfár - actor  
Anita Tóth - actor  
Anna Bognár - actor  
Anna Magusin - actor  
Annamária Cseh - actor  
Antal Nagy - actor  
Antal Pálóczi - director  
Áron Dimény - actor  
Árpád Horváth - director of photography  
Attila Árpa - director  
Attila Berencsi - actor  
Attila Janisch - writer  
Attila Kaszás - actor  
Attila Ráczkevy-Eötvös - production designer  
Attila Soós - actor  
Attila Zsilák - actor  
Balázs Mihályfi - actor  
Bálint Haraszti - actor  
Bálint Hegedűs - screenwriter  
Bálint Kenyeres - director  
Barbara Hegyi - actor  
Barnabás Tóth - director  
Béla Barsi - editor  
Béla Paczolay - screenwriter  
Béla Petrik - actor  
Bence Trunkó - screenwriter  
Benedek Uhrin - actor  
Bleonţ Claudiu - actor  
Büchner Georg - writer  
Cociaş Victoria - actor  
Constantin Anatol - actor  
Csaba Bereczki - screenwriter  
Csaba Kiss - screenwriter  
Csaba Nemes - music  
Csongor Fazekas - boom operator  
Dániel Erdélyi - director  
Dániel Garas - director of photography  
Dániel Szász - actor  
Dávid Szabó - actor  
Dénes Kósa - actor  
Depardieu Julie - actor  
Dezső Garas - actor  
Didaszkalu Katerina - actor  
Dóra Létay - actor  
Drabik János - producer  
Drom együttes Ando - music  
Edit Handel - actor  
Edit Kőszegi - director  
Emese Babette Solti - screenwriter  
Emil Győry - actor  
Emil Novák - director of photography  
Endre Harkányi - actor  
Enikő Détár - actor  
Enikő Nagy - actor  
Enikő Szilágyi - actor  
Erika Balogh - actor  
Erika Marosán - actor  
Erika Marozsán - actor  
Erzsi Pápai - actor  
Eszter Balla - actor  
Eszter Salamon - costume designer  
Éva Botos - actor  
Ferenc András - screenwriter  
Ferenc Borbiczki - actor  
Ferenc Kállai - actor  
Ferenc Kardos - producer  
Ferenc Katkó - actor  
Ferenc Király - editor  
Ferenc Liszt - music  
Ferenc Téglásy - director  
Ford Clara - producer  
Francisco Gózon - director of photography  
Frigyes Fischle - actor  
Frigyes Hollósi - actor  
Frigyes Marton - director of photography  
Gabi Gubás - actor  
Gábor Ágoston - director of photography  
Gábor Balázs - sound engineer  
Gábor Balog - director of photography  
Gábor Dettre - screenwriter  
Gábor Fischer - director  
Gábor Halász - director of photography  
Gábor Kálomista - producer  
Gábor Koncz - actor  
Gábor Kovács - producer  
Gábor Krigler - screenwriter  
Gábor Marosi - director of photography  
Gábor Máté - actor  
Gábor Sarudi - production manager  
Gábor Sinkó - actor  
Gábor Téni - production manager  
Gábor Váradi - producer  
Gábor Welker - actor  
Gdoundos Dimitris - actor  
Gedeck Martina - actor  
Gergely Péterfy - screenwriter  
Géza Csáth - writer  
Gladkowska Maria - actor  
Grusznic Jolanta - actor  
Gyárfás Geréd - actor  
György Balogh - director  
György Dobray - director  
György Dörner - actor  
György Fehér - actor  
György Honti - actor  
György Horváth - director of photography  
György Kézdy - actor  
György Pálfi - director  
György Pálos - director of photography  
György Pethő - screenwriter  
György Réder - director of photography  
György Vostenák - actor  
Györgyi Andai - actor  
Györgyi Kari - actor  
Györgyi Kulcsár - production manager  
Gyula Benkő - actor  
Gyula Elian - screenwriter  
Gyula Maár - screenwriter  
Haberer Pierre - editor  
Hefler Andreww - actor  
Hilda Hársing - dramaturg  
Höhn Stéphane - actor  
Horváth Putyi Dr. - screenwriter  
Ila Schütz - actor  
Ildikó Bánsági - actor  
Illés Nyitrai - actor  
Imre Csiszár - actor  
Imre Juhász - director of photography  
Imre Orosz - costume designer  
Imre Thúri - actor  
Irén Bordán - actor  
István Bodzsár - producer  
István Fekete - writer  
István Fonyó - actor  
István Hirtling - actor  
István Horváth - set designer  
István Iglódi - actor  
István Koller - production manager  
István Komlós - actor  
István Kovács - writer  
István Kozma - director of photography  
István Szabó - director  
István Szaladják - director of photography  
István Szilágyi - actor  
Iván Kamarás - actor  
Iván Szenes - music  
Ivanca Elena - actor  
János Csányi - producer  
János Derzsi - actor  
János Kalmár - actor  
János Kende - director of photography  
János Kulka - actor  
János Rózsa - producer  
Jensen Charlotte - actor  
Joli Jászai - actor  
József Dörner - screenwriter  
József Tóth - actor  
Judit Danyi - actor  
Judit Elek - director  
Judit Fodor - production manager  
Judit Hernádi - actor  
Judit Jónás - actor  
Judit Kopper - dramaturg  
Judit Meszléry - actor  
Judit Minda - producer  
Julcsi Kovács - actor  
Juli Básti - actor  
Júlia Fazakas - actor  
Júlia Molnár - actor  
Kálmán Weichinger - music  
Károly Horváth - actor  
Károly Makk - screenwriter  
Károly Rékasi - actor  
Károly Safranek - actor  
Katalin Juhász - editor  
Katalin Kabdebo - editor  
Kati Zoób - costume designer  
Kinga Turós-Máté - actor  
Kiss Andrea Moldvai - actor  
Kornél Sipos - executive producer  
Kristóf Forgács - actor  
Kristóf Steiner - actor  
Kriszta Nagy - actor  
Krisztián Jeges - actor  
Krisztina Ferenczi - actor  
Krizsanics Antonin - editor  
Lajos Bertók - actor  
László Bérczes - contributor  
László Berta - producer  
László Csiki - writer  
László Gálffi - actor  
László Gojdár - producer  
László Jáksó - actor  
László Kövesdi - actor  
László Nádasi - actor  
László Reich - director of photography  
László Szacsvay - actor  
Laura Ruttkay - actor  
Lili Bordán - actor  
Linda Király - actor  
Luca Karall - dramaturg  
Marcell Iványi - director  
Marcell Nagy - actor  
Margit Galamb - editor  
Mari Balogh - music  
Mari Benedek - costume designer  
Mari Miklós - editor  
Mária Czeilik - dramaturg  
Mária Gáspár - actor  
Mária Sós - director  
Mária Zahora - screenwriter  
Mariann Szilágyi - actor  
Marianna Szalay - actor  
Márk Szandmann - actor  
Márta Brunner - actor  
Márta Martin - actor  
Márton Miklauzic - director of photography  
Márton Szirmai - director  
Márton Vécsei - director  
Matejka Matej - actor  
Mátyás Erdély - director of photography  
Mátyás Fekete - editor  
Mihály Szabados - actor  
Miklós Benedek - actor  
Miklós Jancsó - screenwriter  
Milán Schruff - actor  
Mitran Doru - director of photography  
Mónika Görög - actor  
Mullaney Luc - actor  
Nagy Sándor Cs. - screenwriter  
Nelli Szűcs - actor  
NEO - music  
Nicolae Petre - actor  
Norbert Ács - actor  
Norbert Rácz - actor  
Nowicki Jan - actor  
Olivér Csendes - actor  
Ortega Chic - actor  
Ostalowska Dominika - actor  
Ottó Oláh - sound engineer  
Pál Erdőss - director  
Pál Mácsai - actor  
Pál Oberfrank - actor  
Pál Sándor - screenwriter  
Pernel Florence - actor  
Péter Barbalics - producer  
Péter Bartos - director  
Péter Bruno György - producer  
Péter Dobrai - writer  
Péter Esterházy - writer  
Péter Félix Mátyási - set designer  
Péter Gál - producer  
Péter Horkay - actor  
Péter Huszár - screenwriter  
Péter Mándoki - set designer  
Péter Miskolczi - producer  
Péter Pollágh - screenwriter  
Poulizac Marie-France - editor  
Réka Lemhényi - editor  
Réka Varga - actor  
Róbert Kardos - actor  
Róbert Koltai - actor  
Sándor Csukás - director of photography  
Sándor Czupor - actor  
Sándor Fábry - screenwriter  
Sándor Kőmíves - actor  
Sándor Simó - producer  
Sándor Szabó - actor  
Sándor Tar - screenwriter  
Sándor Tűzkő - actor  
Sándor Varga - actor  
Schiffman Suzanne - screenwriter  
Serban Izidor - actor  
Sorotinski Pjotr - director of photography  
Szabolcs Csizmadia - actor  
Szabolcs Gergely - actor  
Szabolcs Veégh - actor  
Tamás Antal - actor  
Tamás Buvári - director  
Tamás Fodor - actor  
Tamás Gulácsy - gaffer  
Tamás Jordán - actor  
Tamás Mészáros - actor  
Tamás Tóth - director  
Tamás Vayer - production designer  
Tamás Végvári - actor  
Tamás Zányi - sound engineer  
The Uptown Felaz - music  
Thomas Willy - actor  
Tibor Dóra - director of photography  
Tibor Kovácsy - actor  
Tibor Nemes - director of photography  
Tibor Szilágyi - actor  
Togay Can - screenwriter  
Tünde Romoda - editor  
Văcaru Diana - actor  
Vera Venczel - actor  
Viktor Fülöp - actor  
Vilmos Kun - actor  
Vilmos Meleg - actor  
Vilmos Vajdai - actor  
Vitt Christoph - director of photography  
Weckx Ann - costume designer  
zenekar Republic - music  
Zita Perczel - actor  
Zoltán Bezerédi - actor  
Zoltán Hannus - actor  
Zoltán Herczeg - costume designer  
Zoltán Lázár - actor  
Zoltán Nádházi - actor  
Zoltán Schmied - actor  
Zoltán Váradi - editor  
Zoltán Varga - actor  
Zsolt Balogh - writer  
Zsolt Bunda - actor  
Zsolt Huszár - actor  
Zsolt Knell - set designer  
Zsolt Kovács - actor  
Zsolt Tóth - director of photography  
Zsolt Trill - actor  
Zsuzsa Bartal - actor  
Zsuzsa Csákány - editor  
Zsuzsa Gordon - actor  
Zsuzsa Nyertes - actor  
Zsuzsa Pósán - editor  
Zsuzsa Stenger - costume designer  
Zsuzsa Tóth - screenwriter  


adaptation action drama children educational experimental portrait romantic satire thriller historical comedy music
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